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THE CORPORATE PPA 101 WORKSHOP.05.08.2017 Edmonton

 1 Part Make Money. 1 Part Save Money. 1 Part Crush Carbon. Enjoy.

Here's The Deal

Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)s made up the majority of new wind energy PPAs signed in the U.S. in 2015. Companies such as Google, Amazon, and General Motors have realized significant economic and environmental benefits of partnering with renewable energy developers to bring new projects into the markets in which they operate.  So what about Canada?  This event will explore critical elements of the Corporate PPA and will identify mutually beneficial opportunities for Canadian Clean Energy Developers, Canadian Corporations, and Canadian Utilities.

Who Should Attend?


Will a Corporate PPA mitigate financial risk as your original PPA ends?  Is it the best route for new developments?


Does a Corporate PPA save you money and improve your carbon and water footprint?


What’s a utility or system operator’s role in the Corporate PPA?  How can a Regulator benefit?

Workshop Objectives

  • To educate developers and corporations on corporate renewable energy financing mechanisms such as green tariffs, virtual, and physical PPAs.

  • To discuss the economics of choosing renewable energy over carbon trading schemes.

  • To bring together corporations and developers for each to understand the unique needs of the other.

  • To increase awareness of the potential benefits of Corporate PPAs to energy developers and corporations.

    • Corporate sustainability targets (corporations)

    • Long term energy price certainty (corporations)

    • Avoidance of costly and fluctuating greenhouse gas regulations (corporations)

    • Secured financing for new project development (developers)

    • Getting more out of the life of your assets (developers)

    • Retail price comparisons (developers)

  • To address the obstacles facing both parties, including PPA contract term length, regulations, and multi-party projects.

  • Discuss the role of utilities, and system operators in different Corporate PPA structures.

  • To identify available projects and developers.

Attendance Details


1300 hrs - 1600 hrs

The Westin Edmonton

$100/Registration until MON.APR.24.2017

$150/Registration TUE.APR.25.2017 until Event

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